Saturday, March 9, 2013

Interesting Day...

Today was one of those blah, great, not so good, shocking, pretty terrible, not so bad, kinda good, interesting, funky, fun, surprising, horrible, awful days.  Yes, that's right - all those adjectives for the same day.  And it was a Saturday.  Did I say interesting?

It started off with a sick husband... and a baby yelling "Daddy?  Dad-dy!!" from his crib.  :) 
Super sweet except that my name is not Daddy and NyQuil prevented Ryan from hearing any of that at all! 
Then that baby helped me make blueberry pancakes... and we had so much fun together!
We cleaned house today - or I cleaned house while the boys napped.
We played today.  Asa had a pretty funny phone conversation with himself...
"Hewo?  Daddy sick.  Mommy make some tea.  Yeah, Paddy.  Hi Wob!  Buh-bye."  He loves the Millers.
Then Asa helped me put Daddy's dishes away... who knew glasses went in the trash can?  LOL.
I had a friend call with some devastating and shocking news.
I took soup to a sick friend and hugged a sad friend.
Later I cleaned my laundry room... we found a sweet puppy dog vase that was given to us when Asa was born... and then we broke it to smithereens   :-(  Asa said "Uh oh.  Puppy bye bye?"  
We watched the rain out the window.
We even showed Elmo the rain out the window.
We cleaned the dog's muddy feet.
We listened to birdies sing.
We packed some boxes.
We made Daddy homemade lemon ice and chicken noodle soup.
And then Daddy schemed and helped our small group throw me a surprise birthday party!!  
With the best baked potato bar ever.  Yum!!  How surprising!!  Thanks, friends!  I truly had no clue!
I found out some more pretty devastating and shocking news.
I prayed with 5 sweet friends - and Asa prayed the sweetest prayer too!!  
And then. 
Oh dear, it gets worse.
And even worse right now as I realize we just lost an hour and instead of 12:30 it's really 1:30 am.  Ai, yi, yi.
Asa was so excited to see Daddy when we came home from my surprise party at the church...
He jumped up on the bed where Claxton was sleeping too... he was surprised and thought it was so funny that Claxy was up there in bed with Daddy too and he wanted to play with him, or something we aren't really sure it all happened so fast... Asa belly flopped on our sleeping dog who jumped and nearly tore his ear off.
Not really sure if he bit Asa or scratched Asa - seriously could have been either the more we look at it...
But Asa's ear was open, the cartilage exposed, and with 2 other bruise/scratch marks on the head we promptly headed to the E.R.  Mrs. Patty came (1 because Asa asked for her and 2 because Daddy had just taken NyQuil)... and Mrs. Jenni was there too! (She's Asa's babysitter and works in the ER.)  Some of Asa's favorite people there with him... and Dr. Ramos gave Asa several stitches in the ear.  It was horrible.  Asa was such a good boy - so brave - though the screams were devastating.  Absolutely horrifying.
And now we are home.
And it's raining again.  
And I can't sleep.
I could lay in bed... but then you would never know about my good, not so good, horrible, terrible, sad, happy, interesting, shocking, wonderful, awful, no good, very sweet, bad day.
I hope yours wasn't as interesting... although, minus the ER trip, I change my mind.
I hope your day was interesting too!
Here's 3 pictures from tonight. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! How is he doing with the stitches? That is so sad. :( And kind of weird...Chris had to get stitches in his ear when he was a kid because his dog bit his ear! He has a scar to this day! Odd thing for Chris and Asa to have in common, haha.
