Tuesday, April 30, 2013


It has been way too long since I have posted updates for you.
I'm sitting at my Mom's house while Ryan is in Lawrenceburg working on our house and I finally have a chance to upload some of our pictures from our camera.  And I also have some time to reflect a bit on all that has happened this past month.  It has been phenomenal - we have seen God working in mighty ways, he has answered prayers and we have had to trust him in ways we never have before.  A few answers to prayer...

1. A place to live.
The house we are moving into had not been lived in for at least 2 years - and it's in pretty rough condition.  The Indianapolis COTN District has been extremely supportive to us and are helping us with remodeling the home.  Brand new floors throughout the whole house should be completed tomorrow (maybe even today... I'm in Ohio so I'm not sure what went down today).  A renovated kitchen should be completed in 3 weeks.  And in the mean time - Ryan was in prayer before we moved realizing we wouldn't be able to move in right away.  God answered that prayer and our friends brought their horse trailer - it's incredible and for sale if you're interested - for us to live in as long as we would have need.  Here are a few pictures of it... it has been an incredible blessing and definite answer to our prayers!

2. A job.
Ryan was hired at Lowes the day we moved to Lawrenceburg.  Crazy cool answer to prayer, great way to get to know some people in the community, and you can't forget the sweetness of an employee discount when one is in the midst of remodeling!  ;-)

3. Lots of Little Things.
-We have health insurance!
-A friend knew of an electrician who needed community service hours, and he spent 8 hrs. at our house free of charge helping us with some pretty critical electric needs.
-The basement of the house used to be a church fellowship hall, so it's massive and has a mini kitchen and toilet... we use it regularly, but it's really cold.  One particular morning, the coldest I have yet spent in L'Burg, I prayed for a warm basement - and when we arrived - it was WARM!  I took Asa's coat off!  That was a God-thing.  :-)
It's late so my brain isn't working... but I know if Ryan were nearby helping me with this post we would list so many more!

I'm so excited to see more of how God is working.  We want to throw at least one party a month, so I'm anxious to be in our house so we can start party-planning and get to know our neighbors and community more!  I will leave you with pictures... I have taken so many in the past several weeks, so I will categorize them, but enjoy... there are a ton here.

Love you!
-Kara Joy

Last Days in Canton

The Moving Truck

Our New House

Sweet April Asa Shots


  1. We miss you all dearly. So happy to hear you all are doing well. Abigail sure misses her nursery buddy. He's getting so big.

  2. What a great update!! So glad to hear how God is working his plan for you guys!! Na Na Boo Boo and I miss you guys SSSOOOO much. please give that sweet lil boy of yours a hug and kiss from us!! Can we also get your address?? :) Yes, snail mail...LOL. LOVE YOU!!!!! We will continue praying for you and God's plan for L-burg!!

  3. Grandpa and I are so happy to see your pictures and know that things are working out for you! Keep blogging and we'll continue praying for your work in L'burg. Love you and miss you and looking forward to seeing you next month. G'ma K

  4. We miss you guys! I'm so glad that God is answering so many of your prayers so quickly. I'm excited to see your remodel pictures soon and happy belated birthday to Asa!
