Tuesday, May 31, 2011

back to work :(

It's 4am and I go back to work in 2 hours... its seriously crazy how hard this is! I haven't slept much tonight... and I'm sitting here blogging when I should be sleeping! I will miss the little man so much! I am a slobbery wreck. :-( And I only have to work 2 days this week! It could be so much worse! On top of that... my phone is malfunctioning and somethings up with my memory card... its fully inserted but my phone denies its presence... therefore not only am I unable to post a picture this morning but I am unable to flip through the pictures on my phone of Asa during work today! Never thought I'd need to read my own blog! Glad there are pictures here... they will help today!


  1. Good luck Kara praying for you, I know you will do great but your emotions show just how great of a mommy you are to Asa and how lucky he is to have you. Love you!

  2. How was it going back??
    I'm loving all these pictures & blogs!!!!!!!!!!
    Such an amazing family!!
